Rebuilding Us Challenge

You don’t choose whether you have hard seasons or not; you choose whether it strengthens or
weakens your bond...

This 'Level 2' 30-Day Couples Challenge focuses on rebuilding and repairing after being in a hard season of marriage.

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If you plan to be married a long timyou will encounter seasons where you need a slight remodel, and other seasons you will need to demo and rebuild the foundation of the partnership.

Of course you started with the best intentions and neither of you are malicious. But after months or years of not actually repairing from small conflicts, not following through on promises you made, and living with a low love account, you are at a place where you have to draw a line in the sand and now rebuild.

If you were being honest you've likely thought "can we continue like this"? Or even "do we need to end this relationship?"

This can feel so discouraging because you know you're capable of being better for each other. The road ahead is just unclear on how to actually get there.

This Advanced 30-Day Couples Challenge is for those who are serious about starting a new chapter together!

How It Works: 

Every day for 30 days you’ll get an email from us with 1 of these 3 activities:

Reflection Prompt is an activity for you to deepen your self-awareness and become an even better partner for the next season of your relationship. To rebuild, you will need to bring awareness to your own patterns and beliefs that brought you to this point. This will allow for an expansion of your emotional intelligence.

Conversation Prompt is an activity to communicate your insights from your self-reflections that will bring understanding and closeness with your partner. These conversations will be honest and sometimes vulnerable, both are required for rebuilding stronger.

Foundation Builder is a skill or tool to learn and then implement with your partner. Trying to rebuild can have you go in circles if you are not using the right communication, repair, or decision making process to move forward as a collaborative team.

Don’t worry, we are not expecting you to be fully repaired and ready to move forward in one day. This process requires more than just making a deposit into your partner’s love account and it will bring up things you are not repaired from. In this advanced challenge, these activities will take a minimum of 10-20 minutes— you can then choose to take it further when needed.

The process of “rebuilding” requires intentionality and remembering your bigger picture goal… Though these reflections and conversations may feel personal, your goal is to clear out anything from the past that is individually blocking you from becoming the people you need to be for each other. So that you can rebuild and redesign the next season of your life together. 

Starting April 1st, 2025!

We also recommend using the Steps to Rebuild a Marriage guide as well. 📔
Note:  while these prompts are more challenging, they are possible to do even if you're busy.  You might have to get creative to make the time, but it's worth it for the sake of your relationship!

Get Results Like This:

Get Results Like This:

What You Get:

30 days of repairing & rebuilding activities delivered straight to your email inbox. You will get 1 of 3 types of activities per day: Reflection Prompt, Conversation Prompt, and Foundation Builder. The activities are organized into 10 themes to simplify the rebuilding process.
Guidance from experts — We created this challenge because we have a waitlist for private couples sessions; and frankly, we can't coach everyone. But now more than ever, couples are feeling stuck and still need the steps to rebuild from a difficult season. 
Go at your own pace — You get lifetime access to the challenge, so don’t worry if you miss a day. You can pause the emails if you need a pause. Or you can simply save the unread emails and open one whenever you and your partner are ready for the next. We know life happens, but you’ll need to come back to these steps for rebuilding stronger.
RECOMMENDED: The Steps to Rebuild a Marriage Guide — Consider adding this in depth PDF guide as it further breaks down the process of repairing and rebuilding. This is an advanced process that requires changing your perceptions and having more honest conversations. Given this is not live 2-on-2 coaching where you have us as facilitators, you will need all the preparation and tools you can for effective conversations. 

Participate in the challenge for just
$1 per day.
Yup, you read that correctly.
This entire challenge is just $30.


1. What if we are busy?
Well, what's actually important to you? The daily prompts and activities need more focused attention than tasks and a passing thought or gesture. Rebuilding is not a passive process. You do need to commit to a minimum of 10-20 minutes each day.

2. Can I participate solo if my partner isn't on board with the challenge?
To be honest, NO. Different than just making deposits into a partner's love account, the process of rebuilding does REQUIRE BOTH partners willingness and participation. Before starting, make sure your partner is on board with the intention of rebuilding the relationship stronger.

3. Does the $30 cover both of us?
YES, the $30 allows you both to participate. You can either have the activities go to just one email or you can enter your partner's email so they receive the daily prompts/activities.

A Note From The Freemans:

We talk to couples all day every day and want you to know that you aren't alone in the frustrations, hardships, and challenges you face as a couple. If you're on this page, you clearly love your partner...but maybe you really need some repair and behaviors to change... now.

We created this 30-Day Challenge to simplify what it takes to start the rebuilding process. Whether you're feeling stuck frustrating cycle or working through a hard season, this challenge is made for you to get going on the path to a new future!
The 30-Day "Rebuilding Us" Couples Challenge Will Simplify How to:
  •  Do the individual work to identify the patterns of thought and behavior that keep you stuck in the disappointing cycle.
    •  Have productive, non-defensive,  conversations for understanding what needs repaired and changed to rebuild the relationship. 
    •  Learn and implement specific tools and skills to navigate through emotional and potential triggering conversations, that need to be had.
      •  Use all the insights and tools to turn your past hardships into a benefit for your future.

      Plus, doesn't your relationship deserve an investment of
      $1 and a few minutes per day?

      We promise this will be so beneficial for you, so to start, just fill out this 10-second form:
      Do you want YOUR PARTNER to also receive the daily prompts/activities?
      Select PayPal or Credit Card:
      Complete Order
      All bank charges will show up as from "Marriage Ministry".

      Due to the digital nature of this product, we are not able to offer

      refunds at this time.


      A Note From The Freemans:

      We talk to couples all day every day and want you to know that you aren't alone in the frustrations, hardships, and challenges you face as a couple. If you're on this page, you clearly love your partner...but maybe you really need some repair and behaviors to change... now.

      We created this 30-Day Challenge to simplify what it takes to start the rebuilding process. Whether you're feeling stuck frustrating cycle or working through a hard season, this challenge is made for you to get going on the path to a new future!
      The 30-Day "Rebuilding Us" Couples Challenge Will Simplify How to:

      •   Do the individual work to identify the patterns of thought and behavior that keep you stuck in the disappointing cycle.
        •   Have productive, non-defensive,  conversations for understanding what needs repaired and changed to rebuild the relationship. 

        •   Learn and implement specific tools and skills to navigate through emotional and potential triggering conversations, that need to be had.
          •   Use all the insights and tools to turn your past hardships into a benefit for your future.

          Plus, doesn't your relationship deserve an investment of $1 and a few minutes per day?

          We promise this will be so beneficial for you, so to start, just fill out this 10-second form:

          Contact Information:
          Do you want YOUR PARTNER to also receive the daily prompts/activities?
          Select PayPal or Credit Card:
          All bank charges will show up as from "Marriage Ministry"
          Due to the digital nature of this product, we are not able to offer refunds at this time.
